
The Provider Alliance is a not-for-profit association for organizations providing supports to people with intellectual disability and their families.

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Performance-Based Contracting Education Center

Performance-based contracting [PBC] (formerly Selective Contracting) refers to a mechanism used in Medicaid programs in the United States to manage and control the delivery of home and community-based services and supports (HCBS). To understand performance-based contracting, it’s important to first understand the broader 1915 waivers.

The term 1915 waivers refers to Section 1915(b) of the Social Security Act, which allows states to waive certain Medicaid requirements to develop and implement home and community-based services (HCBS) programs. These programs are designed to provide alternatives to institutional care, such as nursing homes, by allowing Medicaid beneficiaries to receive long-term services and supports in their homes or community-based settings. This waiver authority grants states more flexibility in designing and delivering services.

Selective contracting within 1915 waivers involves the state Medicaid agency selectively choosing and contracting with specific providers to deliver long-term services and supports to eligible Medicaid beneficiaries. Instead of relying solely on fee-for-service arrangements where providers are reimbursed on a per-service basis, selective contracting allows states to set standards to negotiate contracts with preferred providers. These entities are typically chosen based on various criteria, including their ability to meet quality standards, provide cost-effective care, and ensure access to a range of service options.

Selective contracting aims to achieve several goals:

  • Quality Control: States can contract with providers that have demonstrated a commitment to maintaining high-quality care and meeting established performance standards.
  • Cost Management: By negotiating contracts, states may be able to manage costs more effectively than in a fee-for-service model while still delivering the best benefits to persons served.
  • Access to Services: Selective contracting can help ensure that people and families can access a broader array of service and support options by working with a network of providers.

ODP is pursuing a performance-based contracting policy. At the heart of all policy development at ODP  is the Everyday Lives standards.  This document is the foundation for all ODP’s program enhancements and changes. It outlines what is important to people with disabilities and their families and the pieces that need to be in place to allow people with disabilities to live everyday life as a community member.

These values support a move to performance based contracting for Residential Services and Supports Coordination — two key services that link waiver participants to a life they choose in the community and at home. Implementing selective contracting for Residential Services and Supports Coordination will allow ODP to ensure that Residential Service Providers and Supports Coordination Organizations (SCOs) are delivering on these values by clarifying expectations and provider requirements, thereby improving the quality of service delivery. In addition to identifying characteristics required of providers, selective contracting allows states to outline quality and care coordination standards and align payment with outcomes. Providers not meeting these requirements are ultimately not offered contracts to perform these services. In this way, selective contracting will allow ODP additional levers to ensure that it administers programs reflective of its values.

To ensure our members and the ID/A Community can follow updates and developments on this important initiative,  we’ve compiled resources and information to keep everyone informed. 

ODP PBC Preparedness Tool Kit Now Available

May 15, 2023

Click Here

PBC Residential Performance Standards

April 19, 2024

Click Here

Residential PBC Implementation Plan 

April 19, 2024

Click Here

ODP PBC Waiver Application (1915b4)

April 19, 2024

Click Here

PBC Waiver Record of Change

April 19, 2023

Click Here

Residential Strategic Thinking Group Discussion Document

November 2, 2023 (Latest Draft)

Click Here

Survey Announcement ODPANN 23-080

October 12, 2023

Click Here

ODP Residential Provider Live Survey (QuestionPro)

October 12, 2023

Click Here

ODP Residential Provider Practice Survey (PDF Link)

October 12, 2023

Click Here

TPA Member Presentation & Update

September 29, 2023

Click Here

TPACon Selective Contracting Presentation

July 28, 2023

Click Here

TPACon Selective Contracting Presentation

July 28, 2023

Click Here

TPACon Selective Contracting Audit Recording

July 28, 2023

Click Here

TPA Response to Public Comments on Selective Contracting

July 10, 2023

Click Here

ODPANN 23-042 Selective Contracting Announcement

May 24, 2023

Click Here

Selective Contracting Comments on Concept Paper

May 24, 2023

Click Here

ISAC Presentation

April 18, 2023

Click Here

Insights from the Community

We're excited to announce the launch of our new insights blog, "Amplifying Voices," created based on the invaluable feedback we received from our members.

We are proud to have a rich history of providing a platform where every voice is heard, valued, and celebrated. This blog is not only an opportunity to connect members with experts in our industry but also a tool to bring inspiration to our community by sharing stories, insights, and experiences that connect us all.  "Amplifying Voices" aims to do just that. It will serve as a space where members and experts in our community, including families and those we serve, can contribute articles, essays, personal narratives, and thought pieces on topics ranging from advocacy to technology in services. We believe amplifying diverse voices can foster greater understanding, empathy, and connection within our community. Your contributions will enrich our collective knowledge, inspire others, and spark meaningful conversations.

If you're interested in contributing to "Amplifying Voices," please contact information@provideralliance.org for more information on submission guidelines. 

To read insights from our community,  click the buttons below.

Insights from Kim Love,  CEO InVision Human Services (06/19/24)

Insights from Patrick DeMico, Executive Director of TPA (02/26/24)

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